Academic Courses
Below are my courses, and some of my invited talks/guest lectures.
I am a 3x recipient of TAU's Outstanding Lecturer Award for my teaching.

Applied Ethics
Co-creator and lecturer (academic class)
The course presents practical tools to examine ethical issues in everyday decision-making, while using disciplines from ethics, economics, behavioural science, exact sciences and more. For example, to what extent should global catastrophes worry us, and what can and should be done about them? Should empirical evidence influence our ethical decisions, and how? What could be done about global poverty and health? Do we have a moral obligation towards others, and if so, to whom, and does it include animals? How can moral commitment be incorporated into career decisions? And more.

Creator and lecturer (academic class)
The course teaches the fundamentals of debating, with a focus on how to use them in everyday life. For example: how to find the most relevant and effective message on every topic, articulate the message, present it persuasively and deal with objections. The course aims at developing logic, analytical skills and rapid thinking. Students acquire multiple reasoning approaches and the ability to deliver a debate speech in front of an audience. The methods learned were developed by debate experts and are practiced at leading universities worldwide.
Invited Talks & Guest Lectures

Select list of talks
The State of AI Security
Main lecture at Heron AI Security Initiative
The State of AI Risk
Main lecture at A-combinator
What Makes An Evaluation Useful?
Frontier AI Safety Conference
Securing Model Weights: Gaps and Work to be Done
Keynote Address at the Vegas AI Security Forum (side-DEFCON event)
Securing AI Model Weights: From Opportunistic Attackers to Nation States
Keynote Address at the Existential InfoSec Forum (side-DEFCON event)
Impact as a Systematic Science
KI Institute for Applied Research in Computational Health
The Common Good in AI for the Common Good
Paul Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence (AI2)
(Automated) Debating for Speechwriters
Rhetor - rådgivende retorikere's conference for Danish Speechwriters
The Future of Diplomacy
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Executive Forum
Debate as a Decision-Making Methodology in an Uncertain Environment
FINAL's 10th annual Curiosity Conference
Speech by Crowd
THINK Summit London
Debate and Cognition
IBM Cognition forum
An Introduction to Data-Driven Argumentation
The Analysis of Discourse, Argumentation and Rhetoric (ADARR) Forum
Do Machines Have Better Arguments than Humans?
Everyday Rhetoric: Arguments and Fallacies course (Guest Lecture)
Introduction to The Debater Movie
Idea Festival (IF) by OPP
AI & Political Discourse
ENGAGE – Conference for Social Activism